- Prairie Lane Elementary School
- Prairie Lane Elementary School
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February 17, 2022 | Prairie Lane Awarded First Mirador Math Award
Posted February 17, 2022
CONGRATULATIONS to Prairie Lane, winners of the inaugural 2022 Mirador Math Award! District leaders shared the news with Prairie Lane staff Wednesday afternoon.
This is a HUGE accomplishment, showing our parents, fellow staff members, and stakeholders the power of their investments into Westside Community Schools, and the success in our children as a result.
In a year still impacted by a pandemic, students at Prairie Lane Elementary are learning and growing to a great degree. For example:
- K-1 FAST Early Math Composite: greatest, steady GROWTH in the district over the past few years
- +22 percentage points since fall of 2018 and exceeded 2022 district performance from fall to winter
- 2-6 FAST aMath: highest GROWTH in the district when combining all these grades.
- 86% of students made typical/aggressive growth
- +24 percentage points rebounded since Covid (fall of 2020)
- One grade hit 94% growth!
We are extremely proud of our talented staff and students at Prairie Lane!