Service Learning Opportunities

  • Overview

    Service May Be Performed in the Following Ways:

    Through an existing school club or activity group;
    Through an existing, approved agency or organization within the community;
    Through student-initiated projects within the school or community;
    Through class-initiated projects within the school or community;
    Through religious or civic organizations sponsoring efforts which meet Westside’s definition of Service Learning;
    Through activities on behalf of specific political candidates or issues, generally limited to 20 hours.

    *The above guidelines were developed by a committee of parents, faculty members, and administrators who worked during the summer of 1993 to incorporate the ideas and recommendations of the entire Westside staff into a viable, workable graduation requirement and program.

    Hierarchy of Questions for Oral Reflection

    (Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy)
    Sample questions designed to encourage critical thinking by a student helping in a convalescent home:
    Knowledge: What were your first impressions of the nursing home?
    Comprehension: How was this nursing home similar or different from what you expected?
    Application: How has volunteering at the nursing home changed your perspective on your own grandparents?
    Analysis: What parts of the experience were most challenging to you?
    Synthesis: What have you personally learned about yourself from this service experience?
    Evaluation: What suggestions would you make to improve this service site, either in specific operating procedures or for future volunteers?
    Note: None of the above questions can be answered with just “yes” or “no!” All require detailed answers.

    Service Guidelines

    1) All hours MUST be turned in by the appropriate deadline. Hours turned in after the deadline will NOT be accepted. Deadlines for the year are as follows for the 2019-2020 school year:

    September 6 — Summer Hours Deadline
    January 24 — First Semester Deadline
    April 17 — Seniors FINAL DEADLINE
    May 8 — Second Semester Deadline for all other students

    2) Limitations on hours:
    The following activities have a limit of 20 hours maximum.  All remaining hours done in each category are considered honor service hours.

    • Political Campaigns
    • Family OR Individual Service (babysitting, routine chores, or assisting an able person do not count.  A “need” MUST be present.
    • 8 hours maximum per day for extended service projects (i.e. camp counselors, mission trips, day long projects)  Travel time or sightseeing time is not included.

    3) Hours must be PRE-approved by homeroom teacher!

    4) Only hours for NON-PROFIT organizations are acceptable.

    5) In order to receive a pass:
               First semester:  Juniors 50 hours, Seniors 70 hours
               Second semester: Juniors 60 hours, Seniors 80 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Service Learning?

  • Is Service Learning a graduation requirement?

  • Are there Service Learning opportunities through school?

  • What is the process for gaining Service Learning credit?

  • How often is PowerSchool updated?

  • Can my 8th grade student earn hours prior to entering high school?

  • How do I get a form in the summer?

  • Who do I contact if the hours listed on PowerSchool are incorrect?