• The Sunset Hills Community Club, an organization similar to a PTA, is made up of parents of Sunset Hills students, as well as any person living in the District 66 who cares to join.

    The purpose of the Community Club is threefold:  the first is to maintain and promote the high educational standards of the school and to enhance the educational experience by providing volunteers in a variety of areas;  the second is to promote family activities;  and the third is to keep abreast of community and city-wide issues in order to serve all Sunset Hills residents.

    The Community Club has provided volunteer assistance for such programs as Room Parents, afterschool and community activities, plus service projects.

    It has sponsored community meetings, candidate forums, recycling, children’s fingerprinting, family nights, carnivals, ice cream socials, student variety shows, and an outdoor classroom area.  It has also purchased playground equipment, computer and library materials, and safety patrol vests.

    Sunset Hills Community Club meets the first Tuesday of every month in the Media Center at 6:30 p.m.  Please join us and learn how you can make a difference by volunteering at Sunset Hills.