- Rockbrook Elementary School
- Overview
About Rockbrook Community Club:
Who is the community club? Simply put, you are! Staff, parents, and guardians of children attending Rockbrook School are automatically members and we need your involvement. The Community Club is governed by a volunteer board composed of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Our mission is to promote the common interests of families with children enrolled at Rockbrook School and other residents of the Rockbrook neighborhood. We do this through events and activities that are organized by a volunteer chairperson and committee members. Some events raise funds, some support the excellent academic programs and teachers, and some are just for fun! All of them help make our schools a great place for our children to learn.
How can I participate?
Volunteer to help!
- Complete a Volunteer Survey and return it to the school office or simply call one of the officers or committee chairs.
- Attend the monthly Community Club meetings (Watch the Rockbrook Express for dates and times).
- Support our fundraising activities, Fall Fundraising Event, Box Tops for Education, & Hy-Vee Receipts.
- Read the monthly Rockbrook Express for all upcoming events at school. It will be posted each month on the Rockbrook website.
- NEW! Visit our Newly Re-Design Community Club Website at WWW.ROCKBROOKCC.COM