• Establishment of Mission, Goals and Policy:   The primary function of the Board of Education is the establishment of district policies. The District’s Strategic Plan is a comprehensive document used to guide and reinforce the mission and goals of the Westside Community Schools. It is regularly reviewed, evaluated, updated and approved by the Board.

    Community Leadership in Issues of Education:  As public officials, individuals who serve are active and visible members of the community. However, the Board acts officially only as a group. Nearly all of the action taken by the Board is accomplished by a majority vote of the quorum present. The meetings are open to the public, so you may observe your School Board in action.

    Selection of the Superintendent:  Selection of the Superintendent is perhaps the most important task of the Board. The Superintendent, in turn, is responsible for making recommendations to the Board on all aspects of the educational program, including staffing, curriculum, facilities, and acquisition of instructional materials and equipment.

    Assuring Fiscal Responsibility:  Approval of a sound budget, with the goal of balancing educational needs with financial reality, is a major function of the Board. One of the Board’s top priorities is to maintain reasonable property taxes without sacrificing our outstanding educational programs. Offering the best possible education to all students is our first concern.

    Evaluation of the Educational Program:  The Board continually evaluates the District’s educational programs and hears presentations on various aspects of the curriculum at their regularly scheduled board meetings.

    Click HERE to link to Board Policies search page. Select "Board of Education" Topic for detailed information on duties and responsibilities.