- Westside High School
- Athletic Participation Forms & Requirements
Each Westside High School student-athlete must have: an Athletic Physical Exam, Athletic Participation forms completed and signed by all necessary individuals, and an Athletic Pass purchased prior to the beginning of athletic practices. Westside High School is very excited to announce that the Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.
You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
Click on the instructions HERE (English) or HERE (Spanish) to get started in FinalForms. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click “Use Support”.
We are asking that ALL parents of athletes use FinalForms.
Please login at: westside-ne.finalforms.com and follow the prompts to login and sign your forms.
Student-athletes are responsible for their own physical exams. All sports physicals must be completed after May 1, 2024 for the upcoming school year. The opportunity to receive a sports physical from a consortium of doctors will be available on July 31, 2024 and August 7, 2024 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Westside High School. The cost for the physical exam will be $30. There will be doctors of both genders available to do the physical exams. Students should report for check-in at the east door of the Sports Pavilion. Student-athletes may always choose the option of receiving their exams from their own family physician.
At Westside High School, we want our student athletes and parents to be informed about our competitive athletic programs, as we feel this is an important part of every team's success, as well as the athlete’s enjoyment of the sport. We want and need our parents/legal guardians to be active participants by attending parent meetings that our school and coaches host. By attending these meetings, many of the questions that parents may have about the school’s athletic program will be answered, the coaching philosophies and team expectations of our coaches will be addressed, and you have an opportunity to directly ask questions to the leaders of our athletic programs. Parents and students are expected to read the guidelines below to help you further understand our Athletic Selection Process, Chain of Communication and Code of Conduct guidelines within our athletic programs.