• 2025-2026 WHS Course Planning Guide

    Dear WHS Families,

    This book is an extremely important part of student life at Westside High School because it contains critical information about modular scheduling, course offerings, graduation requirements, recognition of academic achievement, college planning, and general program planning.

    There are several key things to remember during the registration process:

    • Students are strongly encouraged to take courses every semester from the ACT core subjects of math, science, social studies, English and world language. Skills remain sharpest in these areas if they are practiced regularly, and these subjects form the core of a good basic education. They also improve student performance on standardized tests like the Pre-ACT, PSAT, ACT, and SAT.

    • High school offers students the opportunity to explore a variety of subjects, challenge themselves, and build upon their strengths. Take special note of the course “group” explanation on page 4 since the group is determined by the intensity or the pace and how hard you will be expected to work in the course.

    • Students who complete challenging courses and take a good selection of core and elective offerings are better prepared for any post high school plans. Evidence shows students who complete Honors and Advanced Placement courses and who take a good selection of core courses are better prepared for college entrance exams and have greater success in post-secondary education.

    If you have questions or concerns about any of the information in this guide, please contact our School Counseling Department. Remember that student success is dependent on how many courses are taken and how much students are willing to challenge themselves. Good luck with your planning.